It's no secret that I'm money motivated, and being commission based can be awesome, but it also has it also has slow times. For this reason, I'm all about the side hustles. I thought I'd put together a list of easy extra income ideas that I can look back on in the future, and some of these may help some of you looking for extra income as well.
The bottom line is that people will pay for labor! Everyone has things around the house that need to get done, but few of us actually have the time to dedicate to these tasks. That makes this an excellent extra income opportunity! If you play your cards right, these things usually pay pretty well, because people are essentially paying for their time. By hiring you, they keep extra time in their schedules. Another bonus, a lot of times these gigs pay cash! Some examples of labor:
-Home/office cleaning
-Shoveling snow
-Mowing grass & landscaping
-Moving things
I've done every single one of these things for extra income in the past. You can help out neighbors, people you know, or even put up an ad on craigslist or create some cheap mailers.
Another extra income idea is to resell items you either have on hand, or can get cheap. If you have brand new clothes in your closet with tags, check out
Poshmark to sell what you no longer want or need. If you have a good eye for vintage & antique items, check out flea markets or yard sales & then resell your fab finds on craigslist or even
ebay. Another thing you can do is purchase items on the cheap from amazon or
ebay then resell on your own via the same sites or even an ecommerce site like
store envy. Most areas also have buy, sell, trade pages on facebook. When looking for things to buy, keep with what you know. Remember, the money is made on the buy! Buy cheap so you have profit margin.
Capitalize on your talent or hobby
Everyone has their own unique talents & hobbies. Why not turn those into a little bit of extra income? If you can build or design, why not advertise your services as a carpenter, handyman or decorator? Or maybe you are super creative & you love painting & crafting. Start showing off your stuff on facebook to your friends, or even start up an
etsy store to sell some of your goods. Good at photography? Why not start up a little side business? I currently have an
etsy store called
The Style House where I sell hand painted glassware & other fun things. It's so much fun and generates a bit of extra income for me as well.
Capitalize on your knowledge
If you have the smarts in certain areas or subjects, you can capitalize on that knowledge! Try out tutoring or offer your services editing articles, etc. There are always college students looking for help writing a term paper or essay, and often these even pay by the word. In addition, in todays world every business is involved somewhat in social media, and some need people to manage this for them.
These are just a few ideas, the options are truly unlimited... However, you do need to be careful that you're not stretching yourself too thin. I've been guilty of this before. You dedicate yourself to too many things, trying to give each attention and then you end up not doing
any of the things well. You don't want to fall into that.
If you want to learn more about extra income & get to know someone that KILLS IT with her side hustles, check out Michelle at
Making Sense of Cents. She's inspiring!